

Listen up...

Frogs are survivors! They have survived four mass extinctions. Fossils of frogs date back 250 million years - that's a long ass time for a creature with no ass! Time is running out for the frogs - a fungus has been killing off a huge percentage of the population (a fungus that we introduced through globalization, mind you) and the fungus is spreading…

There used to be more than 5000 species of frog and we are losing species as you read this… We have to help! We can't continue to destroy their natural habitats or they'll have nowhere to procreate!

And amphibians procreate differently than mammals!

I love frogs exactly for that reason, because they are different. And it's okay to be different! Animal R.I.O.T. is an ALL-INCLUSIVE organization. 


Jump into action!


Frogs begin their lives as vegetarians and become carnivores. They live in the water and on the land. I used to be a vegetarian, but then I passed out from not getting enough nutrients, since then I've been an omnivore - you could say I shed my tadpole tail awhile back!

A lot of frogs are poisonous but almost all of them have crazy colors - this is known as warning coloration. 2008 was named year of the frog. Every year is year of the frog to me. I jump for the frogs! I chose the frog mask because frogs are cool and I think it makes me look cool:)

Here are some other organizations that are helping out the frogs:


Please check out my videos! They are informative and fun!